Monday, November 19, 2012

Global Inspiration

The following are innovative ideas and solutions for environmental sustainability/protection from around the globe


Cuba sugar cane marabu weeds 'could be turned to fuel'/ BBC News (November 2012)

Barbados Looking to Ocean for Energy/Caribbean Journal (November 2012)


Drinking water out of a billboard/Latin American Herald Tribune (March 2013)

A bath without water

Urban Sustainability 


Independent Recycling Initiatives in Rio de Janeiro

Thursday, October 11, 2012




  1. Hispaniolan moist forests originally occupied more than half (~60%) of the original vegetation on the island of Hispaniola, from the lowlands particularly on the eastern coast of the island (Haiti) to the valleys, plateaus, slopes and foothills of the many mountain ranges, up to an altitude of about 2,100 meters. Less than 200 km2 of unaltered rainforest remains in Haiti.
  2.  Hispaniolan dry forests
  3.  Hispaniolan pine forests are located on slopes with shallow soils and higher elevations of the mountain systems. In Haiti, this ecoregion is only represented in parts of the Pic Macaya National Park and the La Visite National Park.
  4.  Enriquillo wetlands are the remains of an old marine channel that divided the island of Hispaniola into two paleoislands more than 5,000 years ago. The largest lake in this ecoregion, Lake Enriquillo in the Dominican Republic is the largest and most hypersaline lake in all of the Antilles. In Haiti, Saumatre Lagoon (Étang Saumatre or Lago Azuei) is the country's largest lake. It occupies another concavity 10 km west of Lake Enriquillo, separated from it by the Jimaní anticline.
  5.  Bahamoan-Antillean mangroves/Greater Antilles mangroves cover about 134 km2of Haiti.

Map of Plastic Pollution in the Region

Graph of Waste Disposal Methods by Class

Table - How long does it take to decompose? 

Safe and Sustainable Water Solutions

Table 1. Treatment methods used in Haiti and other developing countries.

Method Pros Cons Cost Sustainability Links
Passive Solar Disinfection
Cheap; reuse bottles; simple Water is warm; have to wait for water; turbidity sensitive $ High 
Plastic Biosand Filters Effective; once primed provide quick water treatment Time needed to develop biofilm; skill required to maintain; support needed; turbidity sensitive $$$$$ Moderate
Concrete Biosand Filters Effective; once primed provide quick water; can usually be built in country with local materials Heavy and difficult to transport and move; skill required; turbidity sensitive $$$$ Moderate Biosand Fact Sheet
Chlorine Very effective when used properly; cheap Bad taste to water; skill required; potential negative health impacts; doses vary depending on product being used $ High
Rolling Boil for 1-3 minutes
Very effective at killing most pathogens Expensive; contributes to deforestation; have to cool water before drinking $$$ Moderate
Reverse Osmosis Very effective at removing all pathogens Very expensive; requires consistent fuel or power; skill required; maintenance required $$$$$$ Low Water Treatment Notes from Cornell University
Sawyer Filters Very effective;
Easy to use when proper education materials are provided
Expensive; may have to sterilize filters regularly; not well suited for areas with turbid water; backwashing can cause contamination $$$ Moderate
Clay Filters Cheap and can be made from local materials Clay quality can affect treatment; skill required; may not be effective for some viruses and bacteria $ High
Ultraviolet Disinfection Very effective; power requirements low (~ 200 watts for 40 gpm) Flow rates low; can be complicated to install; maintenance required for bulbs $$$$ High/Moderate
Slow sand filtration Can be scaled to larger water sources for schools and communities Initial costs are high and require materials which may not be available on-site $$$$ High/Moderate Tech Brief from the National Environmental Services Center
Ozone Disinfection Does not create harmful byproducts; does not alter taste; no residual chemicals On-site equipment required is expensive and requires maintenance; ozone is reactive and corrosive $$$$$$ Low EPA fact sheet on Ozone Dissinfection

Monday, May 21, 2012

Haitian Environmental Law and Policy

National Law  

1987 Haitian Constitution + 2012 Amendment Additions

Article 253:
 L'environnement étant le cadre naturel de vie de la population, les pratiques susceptibles de perturber l'équilibre écologique sont formellement interdites.

Article 253.1: Tant que la couverture forestiere reste en deca de 10% du territoire national des mesures d'exception doivent etre prises en vue de travailler au retablissement de l'equilibre ecologique. 

Article 254:
 L'Etat organise la mise en valeur des sites naturels, en assure la protection et les rend accessibles à tous.

Article 255: 
Pour protéger les réserves forestières et élargir la couverture végétale, l'Etat encourage le développement des formes d'énergie propre: solaire, éolienne et autres.

Article 256:
 Dans le cadre de la protection de l'Environnement et de l'Education Publique, l'Etat a pour obligation de procéder à la création et à l'entretien de jardins botaniques et zoologiques en certains points du Territoire.

Article 256.1: L'Etat peut, si la necessite en est demontree, declarer une zone d'utilite ecologique. 

Article 257:
La loi détermine les conditions de protection de la faune et de la flore. Elle sanctionne les contravenants.

Article 258: Nul ne peut introduire dans le Pays des déchets ou résidus de provenances étrangères de quelque nature que ce soit.

Haitian Laws/Regulations 

Decret sur la gestion de l'environnement (12 octobre 2005) 

Decret creant une loi-cadre regissant la gestion et l'elimination des dechets et prevoyant en meme temps les sanctions appropriees. (3 mars 1981) 
Decret reglementant les exploitations des carrieres sur le territoire national 

Arrêté visant à rappeler les normes en vigueur pour la protection 
de l'environnement, des sources et contre la pollution de l'eau (link)

International/Regional Conventions
Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change [1997]

Convention on Biological Diversity [1992] 

Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer [1987]

Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter [1972]

Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas [1958]

Convention on Nature Protection and Wild Life Preservation in the Western Hemisphere [1940] 

Map - Waste Management/Environmental Protection Initiatives

The purpose of this map is to attempt to locate recycling, waste management, composting, and other innovative environmental initiatives happening throughout the country.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Innovative Recycling


Rustik - recycled bottles transformed into glasses (Furcy, Haiti)



Garbage Receptacle (Sodo, Haiti) 


A sculpture standing in the back entrance of FOKAL. 

FOKAL, May 2012

A piece by artist ZAKA currently displayed at the Institut Francais d'Haiti from the March 2012 exhibit: Dialogue Artistique.

Institut Francais, May 2012

Recycling-Composting-Environmental Projects

Events & Media on Recycling, Composting, Waste Treatment and Environmental Protection


World Environment Day 


First Edition of «Ayiti Bèl Ayiti Vèt»

The First edition of this international sporting event, which gathered all sports lovers of nature and environmental protection, will take place from March 7 to 10 on the Côte des Arcadins. "Ayiti Bèl Ayiti Vèt" will take place from March 7 to 10 on the Côte des Arcadins. "Ayiti Bèl Ayiti Vèt" is a citizen initiative that develops and supports projects to protect the environment through outdoor sports that are part of a logic of awareness, education and training of local actors. 


Doha Climate Change Conference - 2012

La Conférence d'Hyderabad double les financements de la biodiversité - 2012

Haiti - Tourism : 16th Edition of the Fair Eco-tourism and Production

16th Edition of the Fair eco-tourism and production/Haiti Libre (October 2012)

RIO +20 - United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development 

Haiti appelle au respect des engagements/Le Nouvelliste (June 2012)

Deal weakens on energy and water pledges RIO+20/BBC News (June 2012) 

A UNICEF supported water project targets 50 of the poorest neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince, assessing and mapping water systems and providing repairs where necessary. 


Climate Change

L’environnement en Haïti : complexité et menace/Le Matin (July 2012)

Climate Change in Haiti/Climate Matters Blog (Columbia University - Earth Institute)(Feb. 2012)

Haiti advances in commitments of Montreal Protocol/Prensa Latin (October 2012) 

The Minister Jean Vilmond Hilaire in Qatar/Haiti Libre (December 2012) 


A Green Economy for a Haitian Society Environmental Viable, Sustainable and Just/Haiti Libre (June 2012)

Green Energy Opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean/Haiti Libre (June 2012)

Haiti’s La Selle Added to UNESCO Global Network of Biosphere Reserve/Caribbean Journal (July 2012) 

21 Polaris Ranger for the Environmental Monitoring Body (CSE)/Haiti Libre (July 2012) 

Les sachets en polyéthylène sont désormais interdit en Haïti/Haiti Libre (August 2012) 

L'environnement : l'urgente priorité du développement national/Le Nouvelliste (August 2012) 

Le train du ministère de l’Environnement est-il en panne?/Le Matin (August 2012)

Le dialogue pour la protection de l’environnement/Le Matin (September 2012) 

Lizard, rare coral reefs complicate multimillion-dollar Haiti seaport project/Miami Herald (September 2012) 

Styrofoam biodegradable products, from 1 October 2012/Haiti Libre (September 2012)  

Haiti, Dominican Republic and Cuba Strengthen Environment/Radio Cadena Agramonte (September 2012) 

Haiti's New Environmental Turn Delights, Dismays/Public Radio International (October 2012) 

Vers la protection de l'Environnement/Le Matin (October 2012) 

Pour la réhabilitation du morne L'Hôpital /Le Nouvelliste (October 2012) 

Cuba and Haiti Boost Aquaculture Development/Prensa Latina (October 2012) 

The Minister of the Environment «Always Ready»/Haiti Libre (November 2012) 

RVPL Enters $90 Million Agreement With Haiti Government for ECCO2 Project/ (November 2012)  

Diplomacy : Martelly met the Presidents Porfirio Lobo and Danilo Medina/ Haiti Libre (November 2012)  

Haiti says 'bye-bye' to Land Cruisers as government tightens belt/ (November 2012) 

Reconstruction: Inauguration of project of water supply and sanitation in South East/ Haiti Libre (November 2012)

Le Parc naturel Quisqueya: une destination touristique/Le Nouvelliste (November 2012)

Operation Pétion-Ville PwòP this Sunday/ Haiti Libre (December 2012) 

Un Environnement de plus en plus malade!/Le Matin (December 2012) 

Assistance of the UN Organizations (2012)/Haiti Libre (January 2013

A green barrier of 500 hectares at Morne l'Hôpital/ Haiti Libre (March 2013) 

How A Single National Park Might Help Transform a Nation: Haiti's Pic Macaya/Forbes (March 2013) 

Q&A - Master Reforestation Plan to Save Haiti/Inter Press Service (March 2013) 

Connect us with Nature/Haiti Libre (March 2013) 

Haiti aiming to plant 1.2 million trees in a single day/Christian Science Monitor (March 2013)

La BID promeut les énergies propres pour l'électrification rurale en Haïti/ Le Nouvelliste (May 2013)


Read more here:

Endangered Sites/Wild-Life/Biodiversity

Read more here:
Haiti's frogs, losing habitat, finding home at the Philadelphia Zoo/ (September 2012)

Menace constante sur la forêt des pins à Fonds-Verrettes/AlterPresse (October 2012)

25 young people attend a seminar on biodiversity/Haiti Libre (March 2013) 

42% of Palms are threatened on the island/Haiti Libre (May 2013)  

Waste Management

Transforming what is now a nuisance into opportunity/Haiti Libre (May 2012)

The beginning of modern sanitation in Haiti/Haiti Libre (May 2012)

Le SMCRS, pour une mission plus confirmée/Le Matin (August 2012)

Cap-Haïtien à l'heure de l'assainissement/ Le Nouvelliste (November 2012) 

Bill on the Committees of Watershed Management/ Haiti Libre (November 2012) 

Garbage In, Garbage Out: Struggling Haiti Signs Costly Private Deal/Truth-out (March 2013) 

Recycling and Building Construction 

Haitians recycle rubble into new communities/UNDP (January 2012)

Charbon, Propane and Reforestation 

The «Green Border»- Reforestation Project/Haiti Libre (April 2012)  

Petit-Goâve Reforestation Operation/Haiti Libre (May 2012)

Le Propane Comme Alternative au Charbon/Le Nouvelliste (June 2012)

Inauguration du Centre de propagation des végétaux à Dosmond/Haiti Libre (June 2012)

Charbon, Propane, Solaire - Total et Entrepreneurs du Monde/Le Nouvelliste (June 2012)

Prince Charles, Haiti Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe Meet in London/Caribbean Journal (July 2012) 

Loving Freedom, Loving Haiti, Repairing the Environment/Boston Haitian Reporter (September 2012)

Vers le reboisement du parc Makaya dans le sud du pays /Radio Metropole (October 2012)

In Haiti, Success Isn’t Enough to Keep Innovative Energy Program Alive/PRI's The World (November 2012) 

Combattre le déboisement par le commerce des fruits/Le Nouvelliste (December 2012)

End of Charcoal for cooking at Metropolitan Industrial Park/Haiti Libre (March 2013)  

A socially responsible reforestation project/Haiti Libre (March 2013) 

Creation of municipal spaces for cooking on propane/Haiti Libre (March 2013)

Pour passer du charbon au gaz, rien de mieux que la patience/Le Nouvelliste (May 2013) 

Visit of Dominican President Danilo/Haiti Libre (June 2013) 

Launch of the reforestation campaign of the island/Haiti Libre (June 2013) 

President will participate in reforest ceremony with Dominican counterpart/The Sentinel (June 2013)   


Mining Laws Being Drafted/Kansas City (May 2012) 

Haiti Gold Mining/Huffington Post (May 2012)

What's In Haiti's Hills/Ayiti Kale Je  (May 2012)

In Haiti, concern over gold rush/Al Jazeera Blogs (July 2012)

Waste Management and Energy

Project Phoenix - Waste Management and Power Facility/Haiti Libre (July 2012) 

Water and Marine Protection 

New phase of watershed development of Morne l'Hôpital/Haiti Libre (May 2012) 

Marine life could curb development in Haiti/Tampa Bay Online (September 2012)  

Youth engagement on sustainable development/Haiti Libre (April 2013) 

Martelly launches a vibrant appeal to the citizen consciousness/Haiti Libre (March 2013)  

Natural Disasters 

Le Premier Ministre survol le pays en hélicoptère/Haiti Libre (October 2012)  

Hurricane Sandy exposes Haiti's agriculture and environment woes/AlertNet (November 2012)

Environment and Disease 

Op-Ed: What Role Did the Environment Play in Haiti's Cholera Epidemic?/Caribbean Journal (October 2012)  

Haiti recycles human waste in fight against cholera epidemic/The Guardian (March 2013)  



Mangrove Protection 

Environmental Cleaning Solutions 

SONAPI - Propane Gas 

La Menace de la Riviere Grise 

Developing Bamboo 

Plastic Recycling Market 

Haitians unload their truck containing sacks of plastic bottles at a recycling plant just outside of Port-au-Prince October 12, 2012. Haitian bottle collectors garner approximately 4 Haitian Gourdes ($0.10) per pound. The bottles will go through several processing stages before being ground up and sent to the United States where they will be made into bottles and other usable plastic items. REUTERS/Swoan Parker

Jatropha - Bio-Diesel

Frame of Mind: Haitian youth use photography to raise awareness about their environment

Haiti Environmental Monitoring Body - Environmental Surveillance Corps (CSE)

21 Polaris Rangers for CSE - July 2012

Kanaval des Fleurs

Champ Mars, Port-au-Prince (2012)

Ministère de l'Environnement - Demolition & Displacement vs. Environmental Protection


Styrofoam - Polystyrene foam 

Building Construction

Plastic Bottles 

Clean Cook Stoves